50th Anniversary of St. Ann Church

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“She is clothed with strength and dignity…”
Proverbs 31:25

Dear Faith-filled Parishioners:

How blessed we are as a parish family to be celebrating 50 years! I, too, have been strengthened in witnessing the dedication and dignity so many of you have shown in planning for our jubilee year. In 1969, I was just one year old, and no one, except God, knew that 51 years later I would become pastor of this community and be blessed to celebrate this momentous occasion with you. We inherited a beautiful parish, with the most faithful people who are always ready to share their time, talent, and treasure.


St. Ann Parish is a perfect place to gather as a family of God to glorify His name. We have a beautiful church that seats 1,075 souls, liturgy celebrated in English and Spanish, excellent music, lovely gardens and much more. We are a multicultural family who speak many languages, celebrate many different traditions, but all of us truly love and honor the same God. No doubt, we are the Body of Christ! Our parish family is blessed not only by the presence of our year-round residents, but also with our many “snowbirds” who come each year to our warm climate and wonderful church.


God has abundantly blessed us, in part, because of your generosity to those in need. In the past year alone, our volunteers have helped feed more than 25,000 people and provided financial assistance to another 200 families. We are also working earnestly to leave behind a vast inheritance of faith for the next generation. I am so proud of the more than 400 children currently enrolled in our Religious Education program. They are the future of our Church.


For these reasons, I am delighted to be your pastor. We are: “A generous community with extraordinary faith.” I thank you, holy people of God. I pray you find warmth, encouragement and spiritual growth here and I look forward to getting to know you personally. 


In Christ,

Father Alfonso Cely Pastor

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“Put on, as God’s Chosen ones, holy and beloved, heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving one another…” 
Colossians 3:12-13

My Sisters and Brothers in Christ: 

Grace and Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you this holy day! Congratulations on your celebration of fifty years as a parish of the Diocese of Orlando. You have been rightly named after our Blessed Virgin Mother’s mother, St. Ann, and we know her faith as it was a testament within her daughter, Mary, who gave of herself completely, to bring forth God’s goodness.


St. Paul, in his discussion with the Colossians, reminds us of how St. Ann lived and how it came to be that her daughter, Mary, was so full of faith in the Lord. Regardless of our physical possessions, we are called to be in relationship with God and thus to love one another as He loves us. What St. Paul speaks to the Colossians also describes the community of St. Ann, holy and beloved.

I am grateful to all the priests, religious and lay people who selflessly served the people of God since the conception of St. Ann Parish. I am grateful to each one of you for your faithfulness.


For the next fifty years, may whatever you do, in word or in deed be in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.


Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend John Noonan
Bishop of Orlando

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