Faith Formation

Catechetical Sunday
Catechetical Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role of everyone, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel.
This year, the Church is celebrating Catechetical Sunday. The theme is:
“This is my body given for you.”
It is amazing how time flies. Sunday, September 18, being Catechetical Sunday, our Pastor commissioned our Catechists. We ask for the entire St. Ann Catholic Community to pray for each one as they begin a new year of Faith Formation here at St. Ann Church:
Rosario Wilhelm, Barbara Kane, Estella Marquez, Mary Tigerina, Odalys Valentin, Gloryvee Marrero, Claudia Tejeda, Julio Cotto, Israel Polo, Denise Kilgore, J. Marcella Bautista, Wanda Alverez, Emily Cruz, Diana Cruz, Allison Hislop, Lourdes Vazquez Velez, Veronica Alcazar, Aurora Alcazar, Lily Muniz, Jhon Daza, Maria Maya, Irma Solis, Teresa Palma, Susan Burdick, Nilda Mercado, Donna Patty, Regina Patty, Patricia Perea, Elsa Lara, Paul Hoffer, Dennis O’Connor, Tammy Higgins, Lydia DeJesus, Deacon Jairo Rosario, Enrique Sandoval, Maria Sandoval, Karyleen Mangual, & Victor Flores.
A spiritually transformed Catholic faith community empowered to continuously grow, live, and share their faith with others.
Mission Statement
Proclaim, live, share God’s words, and serve God’s people.
Core Belief
- Collaborative leadership and shared responsibility
- Consistency and unity while allowing for diversity that respects local customs
- Recognition of the common good of the whole Church
- Conformity to Church law and the teachings of the Church
- Coordination and integration of all forms of lifelong formation
- Recognition of the distinctive needs, challenges, and opportunities in the formation process
Faith Formation Staff and Clergy
Tuesday & Thursday: 10:00 AM to 6:30 PM
Friday: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Saturday: 9:15 AM to 12:00 PM
The children from our Religious Education program have completed their community service project for 2022.
This included painting birdhouses for our Miracle Children’s Garden, which is currently under construction.
These birdhouses will feed our local Catholic birds!
Be sure to visit the Miracle Children’s Garden to see their excellent work!