St. Vincent de Paul
St. Vincent de Paul has food distributions on Monday and Wednesday, 10:15 AM – 12:00 PM. In the last year, SVDP relied on 11,258 volunteer hours. Volunteers are needed for the Monday and Wednesday food pantry and five days a week to support the food distribution days. Volunteers are needed for unloading trucks, picking up at local grocery stores, stocking and bagging food for distribution, answering phones, home visiting after training, and office support. On Monday and Wednesday giveaway days, our volunteers are busy directing traffic, interviewing, gathering food bags, filling the carts, and delivering to our neighbors in need. There are so many opportunities and needs for additional volunteers. Please consider helping. We appreciate your support.
To volunteer:
To volunteer:
Our food pantry will now distribute food on Mondays and Wednesdays, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM at the Jim Arpin pantry building.
1001 E. 10TH STREET, HAINES CITY, FL 33844
Please contact St. Vincent de Paul directly for any questions regarding food pantry.